Homeopathy for Cats, Dogs, Horses, ponies, and all vulnerable small animals including stray, homeless, and feral cats, Foxes, Deer, Raccoons and Coyotes.
Combination of Homeopathic remedies, supplied in four vials, containing 120 sucrose pillules in each vial, impregnated with one special well-chosen remedy to treat sarcoptic mange in each vial.
As an added bonus to ensure success, I have added a fourth remedy at no extra cost which can be given should the condition return!
Easy to use pillule form which can be easily added to water or given to your pet or wild animal in food.
Assisi Veterinary have had a lot of success with this treatment and many examples of success both in domestic pets and wild animals.
Incidentally, foxes love a hard-boiled egg with the remedy inserted into the egg. You can also add pillules to drinking water.
This homeopathic remedy is tried and tested over the course of time and our Assisi Veterinary remedies, creams and ointments have been helping to heal small animals since 1979.
Formulated for pets through Assisi Veterinary by professional Homeopath Andrew Berwitz.
If you require any further information, help or assistance, on this or any other product - contact me by Web_Form (any time).
Click HERE for details.
I am here to assist you, regards

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Sarcoptic Mange Treatment Kit

[Size:65g] £29.99
Sarcoptic Mange Treatment Kit

[Size:90g] £53.99