Our highly effective natural homeopathic treatment for itchy ears and hardened wax. For Adults and Children
100% Natural Cold Pressed Almond Oil, blended with homeopathic tincture of Verbascum (Mullein oil) and Calendula (Marigold flowers)
Helps reduce discomfort from wearing hearing aids
Soothes and calms itchy irritated ears, loosens troublesome ear wax
Economical and easy to use dropper bottle
Can alleviate earache due to otitis media, the painful eruption of external ear, fungal infections of ear, itching & irritation in ear, swimmer's ear
Earache is a common complaint in children as they are more prone to ear infections than adults but it may occur at any age. The cause of earache can be frequent colds and tonsillitis which often lead to ear infections.
My Mullein homeopathic verbascum ear drops are combined with soothing calendula 6c and aids in the gentle healing of the ear canal and removal of hardened and stubborn ear wax.
Vebascum's main sphere of action is on the ear for the dryness and scaly condition of the meatus and earache. Calendula's action is well documented as a calming agent for irritated skin cells.
No known contraindications
If you require any further information, help or assistance, on this or any other product - contact me by Web_Form (any time).
Click HERE for details.
I am here to assist you, regards
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Verbascum Ear Drops (Mullein oil)

[Size:15ml] £14.99
Verbascum Ear Drops (Mullein oil)

[Size:30ml] £24.99
Verbascum Ear Drops (Mullein oil)

[Size:45ml] £36.99